quarta-feira, setembro 24, 2008

What Can You Buy For $700 Billion?

Bailout in economics and finance is a term used to describe a situation where a bankrupt or nearly bankrupt entity, such as a corporation or a bank, is given a fresh injection of liquidity, in order to meet its short term obligations. Often bailouts are by governments, or by consortia of investors who demand control over the entity as the price for injecting funds.

via Columbia Journalism Review

3 comentários:

Diana Martins Correia disse...

A lot of a pie, indeed!

Anónimo disse...

if you're going to blog someone's image, it would be nice to include a photo credit.

Tiago Costa disse...


I posted the image using flickr's blogging plug-in.
That way, the image itself is a link back to your stream. Additionaly, there is an automatic line of HTML code insert with the credits. I do this all the time. (here is an example: http://meninosdecolo.blogspot.com/2008/09/just-what-i-see.html)

The HTML code for the credits is all there, but somehow got truncated by Blogger's engine. I dunno what happened and hadn't noticed it, because I don't visit my own blog, just recieve a mail activity report (that didn't truncate the credits).

As you can see, I try very hard to include credits for absolutely everything I post here, so I am very sorry for this. I will correct it right away.

Jorge P