segunda-feira, junho 09, 2008

Sobre mudanças anunciadas

"The appeal of Mac OS X versus Windows is what? That it has more features? No. It’s that it is more elegant, simpler, more efficient, and more reliable. So I can imagine Jobs on stage announcing that Apple has assigned their best engineers to a year-long project to focus on just those things. Vista may or may not be getting an unfair rap in the press, but the public perception is that these are exactly the areas where Vista is most disappointing. Apple could press their current advantage by emphasizing efficiency, elegance, simplicity, and reliability."

em Daring Fireball de John Gruber.

Exactamente. Era algo que eu gostava de ver.

1 comentário:

sérgio f. disse...

é o mesmo que coca-cola e pepsi...tudo muito "amigo" do consumidor.