quarta-feira, abril 23, 2008

Merdas sobre design

"You need to give a shit about what you do. I mean, you need to make your work personal. In this time of market research, and ethnography, and focus groups, and user testing, and this sort of tyranny of the user going on, I think we are starting to commoditize creativity, turning ourselves [designers] in to sort of problem solving machines and innovation specialists.
And I think that we are more guilty that our clients are, of forgetting that there is a reason that they called us in the first place: that we have a unique or a personal vision on things, and that’s why they hired us.”

Allan Chochinov

Desenhar à borla, de forma abertamente amadora e agradar aos colegas é complicado; ter clientes, aturá-los, pagar as contas e manter a integridade, deve ser uma loucura. 

2 comentários:

lu disse...

Inda bem então que até tens jeitinho ;)

Tenho saudades.

sérgio f. disse...

por isso é que é um trabalho... e ainda bem que as coisas funcionam assim, já que os designers funcionarem para si próprios é pleno elitismo e estupidez.